Chosen Family

“Blood is thicker than water”

“Friends will come and go, family is always there for you”

Two of countless platitudes voiced during occasions of momentous import.

The first nonsensical to my thinking.  Thick blood is clotting blood.  Clotting blood makes a scab protecting a wound so skin can regrow, vital sure.  Of course water is absolutely necessary for life, our very cells are comprised of it.  Between the two I don’t see a clear winner.

Keeping trying to make sense of this oft vehemently spat out statement, I think about the composition of both comparatively.  While how blood could be assessed as essentially “stronger” (for why else would “thicker” matter if at all?) … our blood wouldn’t flow whatsoever if we didn’t intake water.  Water itself is survival.  Huh right?

Looking closer at the benefits of clotting there arises the reality of torture and tragedy.  Blood clots which form internally – washing round our bodies ultimately finding the way to a heart or brain – either kills us or renders us prisoners in our bodies (heart attack, aneurysm or a stroke in case you were wondering). (I’m terrified of a stroke, trapped in my body, unable to communicate with an active mind?!  YIKESOLA!!!!! TORTURE).  And a heart attack? A surprise murderer that takes young and old alike to the place of no return.

Slash smush down!  First sentiment rendered nonsensical.  At the very best, most positive – saying “blood is thicker than water” is a meaningless comment applied to a truly lovely connection between biologically connected people.

At worst, that bullshit is a stab in the eye of anyone who has unbearable toxicity in their biological relations.

The second platitude?  A flat out lie.  Family is absolutely NOT always there for a person.  In fact, families can be dysfunctionally toxic in a horror show, rather than sitcom, fashion.

Sure, family can certainly be fabulously there for a soul.


At. All.

People in the public eye ofttimes are “outed” about the rifts along their family biological tree.

Many in their private lives just pretend all is glossy, while they froth with quiet (or not so quiet) frustration.


People who you aren’t obligated to because just because.  People who demonstrate kindness and love in thoughtful meaningful manners that feel like true home in your heart.

Cherish these people.  Absorb their goodness and shine yours their way.  Let them stand by your side at those times when provincial people might narrowly think you are alone.  Feel strong in your independence, your choice, your freedom, and most importantly – in your love.

Yours in being unconventional,


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